Android SDK




import com.paymob.paymob_sdk.PaymobSdk
import com.paymob.paymob_sdk.ui.PaymobSdkListener

Implement PaymobSdkListener Interface

class MainActivity : AppCompatActivity(), PaymobSdkListener {
  override fun onCreate(savedInstanceState: Bundle?) {...}

  override fun onSuccess() {
        //If the Payment is successful

    override fun onFailure() {
        //If The Payment is declined

then create a PaymobSdk instance using PaymobSdk.Builder()

val paymobsdk = PaymobSdk.Builder(
                   context = this@MainActivity,
                   clientSecret = "CLIENT_SECRET",//Place Client Secret here
                   publicKey = "PUBLIC_KEY",//Place Public Key here
                   paymobSdkListener = this,
                   maskedPan = "xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-2346",//Optional Field if you have a saved card
                   savedCardToken = "{SAVED_CARD_TOKEN}"//Optional Field if you have a saved card

You can set the sdk buttons color and buttons text color using this builder object for example:

val paymobsdk = PaymobSdk.Builder(
                   context = this@MainActivity,
                   clientSecret = "CLIENT_SECRET",//Place Client Secret here
                   publicKey = "PUBLIC_KEY",//Place Public Key here
                   paymobSdkListener = this,
                   maskedPan = "xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-2346",//Optional Field if you have a saved card
                   savedCardToken = "{SAVED_CARD_TOKEN}"//Optional Field if you have a saved card
               .setButtonBackgroundColor(Color.BLACK)//changes the color of button backgrounds throughout the SDK, and set by default to black
               .setButtonTextColor(Color.WHITE)//changes the color of button texts throughout the SDK, and set by default to white

then you can start the sdk by calling
